Amongst others, has closely collaborated on a variety of international multi-award-wining projects; the films by Connie Walther (Zappelphilip, Frau Böhm Sagt Nein), Sílvia Firmino (I’d like to be), Rui Xavier (Surface), Pedro Sena Nunes (Cacilheiros-Alerta, Margins), and on theatre performances by Patrícia Portela (Flatland Trilogy, WasteBand). For details about collaborations in music, please check the New Music section above.
Amongst others, has closely collaborated on a variety of international multi-award-wining projects; the films by Connie Walther (Zappelphilip, Frau Böhm Sagt Nein), Sílvia Firmino (I’d like to be), Rui Xavier (Surface), Pedro Sena Nunes (Cacilheiros-Alerta, Margins), and on theatre performances by Patrícia Portela (Flatland Trilogy, WasteBand). For details about collaborations in music, please check the New Music section above.